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Growth & Development

Plant growth and development

The passionfruit plant is a woody vine (climber) with very fast, vigorous, continuous and exuberant growth. The growth rate is reduced at fruiting and at low temperatures. In areas where flowering is continuous due to very little variation in the photoperiod and high temperatures; in such way, the absorption of nutrients should be constant. In other regions development and nutrient absorption are reduced in the winter because of a shorter photoperiod and/or lower temperatures. In the south-east region of Brazil, stem and leaf growth increases at around 250 days (8th month), and decreases after about 340 days (11th month). Branch growth is linear from 160 days (5th month), reaching more than 8 m at 370 days (12th month). Fruit formation starts at 280 days (9th month), starting from the axillary flowers developed on new branches, with a fast accumulation of dry material within the first 60 days and then establishing itself during maturation (370 days, 12th month). With the root system, there are three phases of growth: up to 220 days (7th month) the growth is slow, with reduced production of dry matter; from 220 (7th month) up to 310 days (10th month) there is expansion; later growth stabilizes. There is little absorption of nutrients until 220 to 250 days (7th to 8th months), because of the small production of dry matter. After the appearance of the fruits (8th and 9th months), growth becomes exponential, increasing the uptake of N, K and Ca and also that of the micro-nutrients, especially Mn and Fe.

The passion fruit vine, especially the Yellow, is fast-growing and will begin to bear in 1 to 3 years. Ripening occurs 70 to 80 days after pollination.


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Pineapple Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Ernakulam Kerala 686670