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Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health

Sun, 18/09/2016 - 12:54pm -- prsvkm
Announcement Issued by
Pineapple Research Station, Vazhakulam
Notification Reference No
Date of Notification
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Call for Chapters for Book Volume on Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health

The editors of the forthcoming volume titled Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health (to be published as part of book series on Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering) are pleased to invite you and members of your working group to submit a chapter for this book volume, to be published by Apple Academic Press, USA. The objective of this book series is to offer academics/engineers/technologists/users from different disciplines information to gain knowledge on the breadth and depth of this multifaceted field. The field of Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health interdisciplinary, as it requires knowledge of agricultural, food, chemical, mechanical, civil and  instrumentation engineering; manufacturing technology beside applications from diverse fields like  chemistry, physics, microbiology,  animal husbandry and food science etc. There is an urgent need to explore and investigate the innovations, current shortcomings, and future challenges. This book volume, in short, will explore and convey the key concepts for understanding the Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health.

In general, functional foods trigger/promote growth, immune systems and/or prevent/cure diseases through specific functions in the human body.

For this new book volume, we welcome chapters on following topics, but not limited to:  

1.      Phytochemistry & potential phytochemicals

2.         Isolation of bioactive compounds from plants

3.      Plant derived-drug development

4.         Medicinal plants and health benefits

5.      Plant products and health promoting potentials

6.         Functional foods and nutraceuticals

7.      Plant indigenous medical knowledge

8.         Emerging technologies in  herbal science

9.      Nanoparticle based drug delivery of plant metabolites

10.     Plants as drug delivery carriers

11.  Processing of medicinal plants

12.     Medicinal additives

13.  Fish and marine animals

14.     Phytotherapy

15.  Medicinal mushrooms

16.     Poisonous plants: Good or bad

17.  Potential of herbal medicine

18.     Aromatherapy

19.  Extraction technologies

20.     Any other topic


Please hurry up !!! Or else you may miss the opportunity !!! Acceptance is on First-Come - First-Serve basis



Chapter Topics stricken through are already accepted/allotted and hence not available

Phytochemistry & potential phytochemicals

Isolation of bioactive compounds from plants

Nanoparticle based drug delivery of plant metabolites

Medicinal plants and health benefits
Processing of medicinal plants

Functional foods and nutraceuticals

Plant indigenous medical knowledge

Emerging technologies in  herbal science

Plant products and health promoting potentials

Plants as drug delivery carriers

Plant derived-drug development

Medicinal additives

Fish and marine animals


Medicinal mushrooms

Vitamin C:  A miracle functional ingredient 

Potential of herbal medicine


Free radical scavenging Antioxidants and immunity
Defense system immune booster supplements

Immune System Boosters

Power Foods That Boost Immunity

Anti-aging food supplements

Myth vs. Reality on Anti-Aging Vitamins

Extraction technologies

Functional foods for immunity against diseases

Herbal immunostimulants Dietary supplementation with antioxidants 
Immune system boosters Designer functional foods 
Functional food supplements Emerging food habits
Plant biotechnological interventions for bioactive secondary metabolites Plant extracts: preparation, separation of components, biochemical analysis and biological assays

Ocean : The future source of novel therapeutics

Premna serratifolia L. - A neutraceutical panacea

Extraction of bioactive compounds from plants

Functional dairy products

Functional benefits of Eugenia uniflora L.

Functional benefits of Ficus hispida L.

Natural remedies for lifestyle diseases

Pharmaceuticals from plant endophytes

Multi-faceted anti-diabetic actions of aldose reductase inhibitors 

Functional potential of milk yam (Ipomoea digitata L.)

Epigenetics and Functional foods Algae as functional foods
Microorganisms as functional foods Honey as functional food
A case study of emerging food habits, incongruent lifestyle and dental caries Functional potential of Clerodendrum infortunatum L.-A traditional herb
Pueraria tuberosa (willd.) Dc. : An Indian kudzu Xylitol:- A potent immunomodulator
Health Promoting Potential of Terminalia bellirica- A Traditional Medicinal Plant Phytochemicals from traditional medicinal plants
Passion fruit as functional food   Poisonous plants: Good or bad
Functional food for immunity against disease KOKUM (Garcinia indica C.) AS A FUNCTIONAL FOOD
Syzgium cumini (L)( Skeels /Jamun) as a functional a food Psidium guajava (Guava) as a functional food
Pineapple as a functional food

Banana pseudostem as a functional food

Potentiality of food processed waste to generate valuable functional food

Proposals related to the socioeconomic impact, innovative technologies, case studies, educational/industrial experience, classroom and outreach aids, success stories etc. are also most welcome. We also welcome review chapters.

Author(s) interested in this theme may please glance through the status of chapter acceptance, identify a suitable available topic and submit a short proposal [Title, authors’ names and contact information, summary, keywords, and proposed date of submission of full chapter] of the chapter by email:  <joy.pp@kau.in or joyppkau@gmail.com> or <goyalmegh@gmail.com>.

Please hurry up !!! Or else you may miss the opportunity !!!

You can submit as many chapters as you want. 

Though there is no limit on number of pages, the preference is 30-60 pages. 

Clear guidelines are attached for you that will help you to write your chapter.

Please focus more on the book title theme and the suggested topics but you can suggest new ones provided they are very relevant and very much support the theme of Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health.

Please provide an outline of the chapter contents (Headings and subheadings) as you see in the CONTENTS of a book so that we can have a visualization of the whole chapter and avoid possible overlappings in other related chapters.

Kindly send the Outline/Synopsis/Abstract/Organisation of the chapter contents along with the Authors’ Subject Specialisation, full contact details and affiliations as soon as possible for early acceptance.

We are sure you can contribute an excellent comprehensive chapter with a wider and deeper coverage to justify the title theme within 60 pages to suit international standard, quality, and utility.

Please read through all the following attached guidelines before writing a chapter

 Call for Chapters for Book Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health         

 00 References ACS Style Guide 3rd Ed

 01 Reference style


 09 Sample Chapter Goyal

 10 Sample chapter from Goyal         

 11 Sample chapter 1707 Steam AlHilphy

  ACS-Style Guide for Scientific and Technical Writing - 3rd Edn

Authors are requested to submit the chapter proposal before October 31, 2016.  We expect to receive the full chapter before December 15, 2016. In case, you cannot meet this deadline, please indicate the date of submission of the full chapter to help us to plan.

For manuscript, we require an e-copy of full chapter submitted in Word2010 (all words in foreign language should also include equivalent words in English) on a letter size paper in US ENGLISH only with no line numbering,  a line spacing of 1.5, Times New Roman 11-point font size, Margins top/bottom of 1”, margins left/right of 1.25”, and Editable equations with an equation editor in WORD2010.  Author will send the chapter along with <07a AAP_permissionFigsEtc_formPartB_31oct2016_Gyl>. A typical chapter will include following general instructions:

Chapter title in CAPITAL LETTERS, left justified

Author(s): First name/ Middle Initial/ Last name: left justified

Author’s name with affiliation (Job title/Institution)/mailing address/ mobile/email/, [Of each author] = Left justified; publisher will mail the e-copy of book at this address

INTRODUCTION: Justified left
LITERATURE REVIEW if applicable: Justified left
THEORETICAL APPROACH if applicable: Justified left
CONCLUSIONS: Justified left
SUMMARY: Justified left

KEYWORDS >30 words: Justified left--- detailed list --- We use this list for the book index

REFERENCES: Justified left ---  in alphabetical order, and numbered: 1, 2, 3, -----; Use numbering system for citation in text; All refs under references must be used in the body of text; Use ACS manual style only for references.

APPENDIX, if any in the chapter, etc.

GLOSSARY OF TERMS IN THIS CHAPTER: define>10 terms in the chapter


                  GOI Government of India

We use a numbering system for citations in the body of a chapter. Tables and figures should be included in the text at right place nearest to its citation. A specialized chapter need not follow this format. 

                NOTE: PLEASE DONOT USE COPYRIGHT MATERIALS without having the reprint permission from the original publisher. OPEN SOURCE articles can be evaluated.  Our publisher and we editors are against plagiarism. Such activity will only delay our publication. Use of such material without having the reprint permission is unethical and punishable under law and may carry the fine by the authorities. This may also lead to the rejection of the manuscripts/chapters by the publisher in extreme cases.  The manuscripts/chapters are subjected to plagiarism checking by antiplagiarism software at different levels and stages.

 Our team expects to work with you closely.  We can assure you the best quality production. AAP takes care of all processes from editing to marketing at no charge to authors/ editors. All contributing authors will receive a pdf copy of the volume that includes their chapter.

Please contact us, if we can of help to you while preparing the chapter.  Write to the corresponding editor of our book or to me at goyalmegh@gamil.com.  Thanking you . . .

Note - Read thoroughly to type a chapter.  ::: Two sample chapters, general guidelines 

Please try to stick on to the time schedule and make the chapter as perfect as possible.

The publisher follows the ACS Style Guide and may update its policies at times which will be available here. Hence regularly visit this web page for any updates on the publication.

The reference style has already been updated.

Wish you all success and God's blessings.

Cordially Yours,

Megh R. Goyal, PhD, PE, 
Senior Editor-in-Chief for AAP

Retired Faculty in Agric. and Biomedical Eng.

University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus, USA  Email: <goyalmegh@gmail.com>

Fax: 001-866-222-9549 (USA)

P P Joy, PhD
Co-Editor for this book volume

Professor & Head, Pineapple Research Station, KAU

Vazhakulam PO, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulam, Kerala 686670. India

Mobile Phone No: +919446010905

Email ID: joy.pp@kau.in or joyppkau@gmail.com 

PS: We avail this opportunity to introduce the book volumes as part of following book series by AAP, which can be browsed at:





For those who have already accepted writing chapters for the Book

Many chapter submissions, though well written scientifically and technically, are not in conformity with the publisher’s style. This requires thorough revision of the chapter causing utter and painful wastage of valuable time of everybody. Hence, kindly and carefully read through the following to write an excellent comprehensive chapter to suit international standard, quality and utility, adhering to the time schedule and complete the formalities for timely publication of the book. Attempt deeper and wider coverage with up-to-date reviews till 2016. Please provide chemical formulas (structural, molecular, specific and general) for bioactive compounds and groups, wherever relevant and possible. Give equations for metabolic reactions and pathway diagrams for syntheses pathways. Try to include as many tables, photos, illustrations, graphs, etc with good resolution and aspect ratio in the chapter for better and easier grasping, understanding and wider readership.  Take care of plagiarism and copyright issues appropriately and intelligently.   

Your exceptional, honesty, legitimacy, authenticity and scrupulousness are earnestly requested while writing the chapter. This decides the quality, standard and fate of the forthcoming volume titled Advances in Functional Foods for Human Health (as a part of book series on Innovations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering)  to be published by Apple Academic Press, USA

The publisher strictly follows the ACS Style Guide for a uniform standard.

See Sample chapters for guidance

Give full contact details (postal, mobile, email) of all authors. Indicate corresponding author.

Use only Times New Roman, 11-point size font always, except in very large tables where font size can be reduced to accommodate the table correctly

Avoid paragraph indentation

Use simple sentences. Long complex sentences are difficult to grasp.

Uncommon abbreviations should be expanded at first instance (with abbreviation in bracket)

Keep the same number of decimals in a range of values

Give scientific names in italics with first letter in Capital

Every table and figure should have correct captions of TABLES at the top and FIGURES at the bottom

Eg: TABLE 1  Mushrooms and their active constituents [289]

FIGURE 1  Market Share of Functional Food-By Regions [13]

For tables and figures use : Adapted from [Ref. No.] if sourced from some publication

Remove author and year citation in text and use only number citation in text in square brackets in ascending order  Eg: [23,78,123]. 

Photos, illustrations, graphs, etc should have good resolution and aspect ratio for better readability and easier grasping/understanding

Write complex words together or with hyphen Eg. bio film biofilm or  bio-film

Use only US English and International System of Units, Measurements, Symbols, Abbreviations, and Prefixes and they should be uniform throughout the chapter. 

Use s for seconds, min for minutes, h for hours,  days, years, k for kilo, l for liter, and for &

Strictly follow Headings style

HEADING STYLE (Times New Roman, 11-point font size, Bold, Left aligned, 3 spaces between Heading number and Heading but no dot.)



1.1.1   Third Level Heading                  (CAPS Each Word, Bold, Regular)   Fourth Level Heading             (CAPS Each Word, Bold, Italics)   Fifth level heading                (Sentence case, bold, regular)   Sixth level heading             (Sentence case, bold, italics)

Headings should not have any punctuation or carry references. References should be cited in the body of text only

Scrupulously follow the reference style

The references are to be arranged first alphabetically and then they are serially numbered from first to last. These numbers alone are cited in ascending order in the text in square brackets Eg: [23,78,123]. 

Give published titles of book, Journal and volume number in italics, nothing in Bold

E-sources should indicate accessed on....

Eg: http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/ssaguide.html  accessed on 2016 December 8, 2.16 pm

Recently, the Publisher, Apple Academic Press, USA, has changed the author guidelines and submission forms and the links are given below for your kind use and submissions for due compliance and smooth publication of the Book. Use the new AAP Forms only. You can edit these Forms in WORD suitably with all the relevant chapter details and place correctly the scanned images of signatures of all authors and upload along with the chapter submission or send to Dr. Megh R. Goyal as attachments.

Please revise the chapters as per the guidelines seeing the sample chapter, scrupulously check for any more mistakes/errors and re-send us at the earliest the final draft soft copy in WORD and PDF formats along with the relevant AAP mandatory forms (signed by all authors) by email to joy.pp@kau.in for peer reviewing and possible corrections and refinements. Four AAP Forms 05 to 08 are mandatory for all chapters.

Communication  1

Communication  2

USE THE NEW AAP FORMS ONLY (Please don’t change the file names of AAP Forms)

03 ReprintPermissionForm

05 AAP_ChapterAgreementForm

06 AAP_copyright_FormPartA_ABE

07 aap PERMISSION form ABE

08 AAP_permissionFigsEtc_formPartB

Instructions to fill up the AAP FORMS




English Arabic French German Hindi Italian Russian Spanish


Pineapple Research Station
Kerala Agricultural University
Ernakulam Kerala 686670