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Pineapple Research Station has well equipped laboratories in biotechnology, microbiology and phytochemistry. The major items of equipment and facilities include the following in line with a world class research centre.

Biotechnology Lab

Equipments: Laminar Air Flow Chamber, Autoclave, Water Still, Hot Air Oven, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Unit, PAGE (Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)Unit, AGE (Agarose Gel Electrophoresis) Unit, Cooling Centrifuge, Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate, pH Meter and Electronic Weighing Balance

Plant Biotechnology lab facilitates the production of tissue culture plants of banana and pineapple varieties with the help of Laminar Air Flow Chamber, Autoclave, Water Still, Hot Air Oven, Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate, pH Meter and Electronic Weighing Balance. Plant DNA, RNA and protein isolation are carried out using Cooling Centrifuge, PAGE Unit and AGE Unit. Even the minutest plant samples with virus infection are identified and are polymerised using PCR unit.


Biochemistry Lab
Food Technology
Gel documentation, ELISA Reader & washer, PCR, UV vis spectrophotometer, UV- Transilluminator, Flame photometer, Centrifuge, Microscopes, Electrophoresis, Shakers, ovens, Precision Weighing balances, Deep freezer, BOD incubator, Laminar Air Flow, still, etc

Microbiology lab

Information Technology
The lab is equipped with current-model, high-end PC computers with large storage capability, high-speed network and internet connectivity , an extensive collection of softwares including research oriented and simulations software. The lab also contains printers, scanners and other equipment for smooth running of research and development activities.

Lab Manuals ...